202?: ''Ernst, Bobbie and the friends''

Gepubliceerd op 3 februari 2024 om 17:45
  1. Intro
  2. It's Birthday!
  3. The Blurkies
  4. Egg
  5. When I Camouflage
  6. I love you
  7. You can laugh with monkeys
  8. The Zoo Closed Today
  9. We eat chicken soup
  10. My Present Is Lost
  11. We Then You Should Cry
  12. Thieves in the Zoo
  13. Cleaning up
  14. Where without water gone
  15. Now get up
  16. The Snuggertjes
  17. Ratatata!!!
  18. Outro
  1. Intro
  2. My rabbit
  3. Rowing
  4. We're chasing him
  5. I'm lucky
  6. We make pancakes day
  7. Balloonpost
  8. Bicyclethieves
  9. On diet
  10. I say hey, be careful!
  11. My sweet little dog
  12. We look to the forest
  13. We are the investigators
  14. We are hungry
  15. We go to the campsite
  16. What a questions to ask
  17. Save the forest and the animals
  18. Outro
  1. Intro
  2. You are a Soupchicken
  3. We Make a Cheese
  4. We're Building a Shed
  5. We Are Tractor Mechanics
  6. We Are So Scared
  7. Milking cows
  8. Flying Makes You Happy
  9. How nice and fresh it is
  10. The Sweater Knit Boogie
  11. Where are you?
  12. We're Going to Feed
  13. The Chicken Thief
  14. Cowboy song
  15. I'm not deaf or anything
  16. Cupcake song
  17. Everything will be fine
  18. Outro
  1. Intro
  2. Who's in charge here?
  3. Chinese vase
  4. Hey, Hey, Money with cash
  5. Stairs up and down
  6. Electricity
  7. Escaped
  8. New Pet
  9. A horse is noble
  10. The queen comes by
  11. Asylum
  12. Little prince
  13. I'm famous
  14. Bobbie's Petting zoo
  15. The Chief Commissioner
  16. It seems Like a Holiday
  17. Everything Tried
  18. Outro
  1. Intro
  2. We are going by train
  3. Pirate song
  4. Think About What You Do
  5. We Are Not Afraid
  6. Dressing up
  7. Crawled from an Egg
  8. The champion
  9. Poachers in the Forest
  10. It's a party
  11. Flat
  12. Only in Dreams
  13. Golf
  14. In the woods
  15. Looking For The Treasure
  16. Art
  17. We Come to Set You Free
  18. Outro
  1. Intro
  2. Hey, hello!
  3. Work out nice and fit
  4. Waiting Takes So Long
  5. 0, No!
  6. Where is he now?
  7. Etiquette
  8. Post
  9. Back in time
  10. To move house
  11. We Stand Up for the Animals
  12. Doubt
  13. Birds
  14. A painting
  15. Castle
  16. Hey, where's the champagne?
  17. Friend on Earth (Feat. Animaniacs)
  18. Outro
  1. Intro
  2. Super Ernst and Super Bobbie
  3. Advertisement
  4. We lost them us
  5. The Silence Button
  6. Wrong Wrong Wrong
  7. Don't Afraid
  8. Pooh Pooh
  9. Sweets
  10. On the road all day
  11. Magic spell
  12. Circus song
  13. Lullaby
  14. The Fart Planet
  15. Bastiaan
  16. Towards bed, Tango!
  17. We make a cake
  18. Outro
  • Stemmen: Chris Kratt & Martin Kratt
  • Behalve Stemmen: Max Sandaal, Kathleen Aerts, Joris Fatt, Sax Kratt, Jeff Fatt, Greg Page & Simon Pryce
  • Kinderen Stemmen: Kevin, Lotte, Koos, Joris, Marc, Rick, Sam, Mitchy, Josje, Harry, Klaas, Kaat, Davis, Thomas, Pinkie, Sean, Jarow, Anna, Annabelle, Annabel, Joostbelle, Lauren, Karen, Kano & Jill
  • Muziek: Gert-Jan van den Ende
  • Tekst: Erik van Trommel & Gert-Jan van den Ende/Gert Verhulst, Hans Bourlon & Kathleen Aerts
  • Productie: Kathleen Aerts, Jans de Wit, Piet-Jan van het Journaal & Max de Pot
  • Producent: The Kathleen Aerts Company (o.t.a. Studio 100)
  • Regie: Ilse Vocking, Rik Dé Keizër & Kathleen Aerts
  • Uitvoerend producent bij Studio 100: Kathleen Aerts & Gert Verhulst
  • KATHLEEN AERTS for ©2024-2026 Trend Media BV. and Ernst Bobbie Productions Limited.
  • PBS KIDS for Lion Entertainment/Educational Television and Corporation for Public Broadcasting

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